Get Good With Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole

Get good with money book photo

Title: Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole

Author: Tiffany Aliche

Hardcover: 368 pages

Publisher: Rodale Books

Publishing date: March 30, 2021

Who is this book for? 

Anyone looking to take charge of their personal finances, get their spending under control and learn how to live with financial wholeness.

What’s inside this book?

  • The 10-step formula for attaining financial security and peace of mind that was created and perfected by Aliche, AKA “The Budgetnista.”
  • Checklists, worksheets, a toolkit of resources and advanced advice from money-management experts.
  • Real-life examples to bring financial lessons home.
  • Actionable steps for taking charge of your credit score, maximizing bill-paying automation, savings and investing and calculating your life, disability and property insurance needs.

5 lessons you’ll learn from this book: How to achieve and maintain financial wholeness through a series of financial improvements.

  • How to create the game-changing “noodle budget.”
  • How to see your credit score as a grade point average.
  • How to practice mindful budgeting and spending habits.
  • A simple calculation to help you retire early.

3 questions this book will answer for you: 

  • How can I determine if my money problem is that I don’t earn enough or I that I spend too much, and how do I fix either issue?
  • How can I learn to make a habit out of saving for a rainy day?
  • How can I protect my beneficiaries’ future?

What people are saying about this book:

  • “Aliche can take the most complex of money concepts and distill them into something relatable and understandable. No matter where you stand in your money journey, Get Good with Money has a lesson or two for you!” — Erin Lowry
  • “Get Good with Money helps you put all the pieces of your financial life together without making you feel overwhelmed or ashamed about your circumstances. Whether you need to budget better, slash debt, and save more money or learn to invest, boost your net worth, and build wealth, Tiffany Aliche offers great advice to let you know you can do this, sis!” — Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
  • “I’m so inspired by Tiffany Aliche’s own story of digging out of deep debt and building back her credit and her cash flow. Get Good with Money will soon have you believing in your own ability to set yourself up for a life that’s rich in every way.” — Farnoosh Torabi